Sustainability Consulting Februar 24, 2022

Sustainability: Finally, doing good pays off

You no longer have to choose between doing good and making money. Wir sind das „Do“ in „Sustainability Consulting“, einem der zentralen Themen für das 21. Jahrhundert. Die „Purpose led and Sustainable Living Brands” 69% Schneller wachsen, als die restlichen Unilever Produkte, ethisch ausgerichtete Firmen im S&P 500 wachsen doppelt so schnell. 

Wir sind das „Do“ in „Sustainability Consulting“, einem der zentralen Themen für das 21. Jahrhundert. Es gibt unzählige gute Ideen für ein nachhaltigeres Wirtschaften. Was haben all diese klugen Konzepte gemeinsam? Richtig, sie wurden (noch) nicht umgesetzt. In den Schubladen und Flip Charts der Unternehmen, Forschungseinrichtungen und Universitäten schlummert das ungenützte Potential für eine grüne industrielle Revolution. Wir sind angetreten um das zu ändern. Unser Fokus ist die Kompetenz der Umsetzung, des Tuns, des Machens. Spannend, oder?

Weltweit scheitern 98% aller Innovationsprojekte im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit, nur 2% sind erfolgreich. Wir haben uns mit den Gründen dafür beschäftigt, eine Lösung entwickelt und die Konzepte der Nachhaltigkeit mit den besten Methoden und Menschen aus den Bereichen Innovation und Change verknüpft.


Help to shape the Sustainable Company and build eco friendly Products and Services.

⬤ 01. Challenges

Getting an extra audience of
worldwide users engaged in
a new visual identity, by
letting them quick touring.

Ohio is a global leader in retail marketing, with over 5,000 staff. At the start of 2020, was ready to launch their new visual identity but faced a recognizable challenge: how to get all 80,000 engaged?

Modern and cutting-edge approach for creating digital and connected brands, services, and products driving digital arts.

⬤ 02. Experience

A fluid visual user
experience with a
new solutions.

We believe to be a team of creatives who are excited about unique ideas and help digital and fin-tech companies. But structure were from the funny the century rather, initial all the made, have spare.

Grow brands through bold and strategic creative, focused on searching new ways to showcase user content on digital support and envisioning the future arts.

Color palette

/ Foundations

SCSS var

R 0
G 122
B 255

Magnetic Red

SCSS var

R 0
G 122
B 255

Golden Beige

SCSS var

R 0
G 122
B 255

Neutral Grey

SCSS var

R 0
G 122
B 255

Moonlight Black

We believe to be a team of creatives who are excited about unique ideas and help digital and fin-tech companies. But structure were from the funny the century rather, initial all the made, have spare.

Grow brands through bold and strategic creative, focused on searching new ways to showcase user content on digital support and envisioning the future arts.


/ Scales

Beatrice Regular


Instead of utilizing contrast purely for the purpose of mitigating who are excited about unique ideas and help digital companies.

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789

Beatrice Medium


With more than 16+ years of experience, our team has become a leader in digital design and innovations.

SF Pro Display


With more than 16+ years of experience, our team has become a leader in digital design and innovations.

⬤ 03. Mobile Experience

Putting our focus on
changing the way people
think of mobile experience.



Stacey Grey
Brand Research

John Stamper
Project Manager

Colin Mondero
Account Manager

Art Direction

Stephen Miller
Creative Director

Sarah Rickson
Brand Strategy


Melissa Macaya
Graphic Design

Mark Caldwell
UI/UX Desing


Site of the Day
Oct 20, 2020

Mobile Excellence
Sep 25, 2020

FWA of the Day
Sep 23, 2020


Best Practices

“From branding, product design and layout, website and mobile development, Signature led and executed on great ideas with remarkable talent, and within an easy and collaborative ecosystem. I’d work with them again and again.”

Colin Lucido

UI Designer · Interactive Media™

Best Practices

“From branding, product design and layout, website and mobile development, Signature led and executed on great ideas with remarkable talent, and within an easy and collaborative ecosystem. I’d work with them again and again.”

Colin Lucido

UI Designer · Interactive Media™

Best Practices

“From branding, product design and layout, website and mobile development, Signature led and executed on great ideas with remarkable talent, and within an easy and collaborative ecosystem. I’d work with them again and again.”

Colin Lucido

UI Designer · Interactive Media™

Let's get in touch,
we respond fast.

Ready to work together?

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